#June12Protest: God’s system of government.

Victor John
3 min readJun 12, 2021


Hi there,

You’re welcome to another beautiful Saturday, so last week we took a break in order to refresh our minds and spirits, and to bring out better and more uplifting articles.

Today is the twelfth day of June, and for others in different parts of the world, this day might mean nothing, but for those of who are Nigerians and currently reside in Nigeria this day holds so much meaning for us. This is when we celebrate our democratic system of governance. It is important to note at this point that the twenty-ninth day of May was originally our democracy day, but was changed at some point to what we have now. Be that as it may, even though we are supposed to be celebrating today as a nation, we are protesting. Protestors with a main demography of young people have filled the streets in different parts of the nation and are protesting bad governance, injustices, wanton killings in different parts of the nation, rising cost of living etc.

Man has at different times sought out different ways of coexistence and governance. Governments have arisen and fallen. We’ve had the Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, British rule the world both in ancient and modern times. These governments have devised what they thought was the best way for man to be governed. There’s been adaptations of different systems to culminate in what we now call democracy. But I’d like to ask is God democratic? Does his system of governance include been voted in and out of office? Can he be protested against? Can God be impeached?

#enoughisenough, #leavenow these are examples of hashtags you can see people use across the world that show their disgust and utter irritation with how they’re been governed. These hashtags point to the fact that they’re actually protesting against their government. In most cases, the response of certain governments is to disperse protestors with the use of force. It is safe to say that the human governments do not respond well to protests.

But you see, man can actually protest against God. Man actually protested against God. The system God designed to govern man actually allows for man to protest or in even stronger terms REBEL. God is a King who was not voted into office, he doesn’t have a senate or house that can move for His impeachment. But the peculiarity of His governing style is such that when you protest or rebel against Him, you tend to leave with the realities of your decision. He can only nudge you not to protest or go against His ways, but He won’t force you. Unlike human governments who do not want you to choose your ways, God allows you make a choice and live with the consequences, either good or bad.

Jesus is God’s way of following His government. Allowing Him into your life is the first step to accessing God’s government. Guess what? His rule over one’s life always comes with good. Choose wisely.

Until next week, stay raptureable 🙏🙏

